Active cases in Maasin City, as of September 2, 2021, climbed to 81 new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases; while barangay Ichon in Macrohon, which is only 12 kilometers away, has 56 active cases.
Department of Health provincial health officer Dr. Feliciano Matibag reported during the provincial IATF meeting that barangay Ichon has a high rate of confirmed positive cases of 56, as of August 31, 2021 report. Sources said that the confirmed positive cases are mostly close contact from the previous patients who previously attended the fiesta celebration. It can be noted that Maasin City and barangay Ichon celebrated their fiesta last August 15 and August 16, respectively.
Barangay Ichon is under a 14-day Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine which started last August 26 until September 5, 2021. The Macrohon PNP personnel and Karancho officers have been on a 24/7 on-duty assisting the barangay checkpoints.
Southern Leyteños extend their help to the affected families in the community, through donation online and in-person, some cash and goods.
The Southern Leyte Chamber of Commerce members, Rotary Club and other organizations immediately responded to the various needs of the barangay Ichon community. Emely Saavedra, who is from Macrohon, facilitated the distribution with the help of the Macrohon police personnel.
Municipal Mayor Allan Aroy during the Provincial Inter-Agency Task Force virtual meeting requested the other local LGUs to strengthen barangay task-force duties to stop the continuous spread of the said virus.
Likewise, Maasin City Mayor Nacional Mercado instructed the contact tracing team to submit and closely monitor the primary and secondary contacts and subject them for RT-PCR Testing.