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HomeNewsVaxx card is not required in voting sites

Vaxx card is not required in voting sites

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One month before the 2022 May Elections, new Provincial Election Supervisor III Maria Corazon Montallana said during the weekly KAPIHAN sa PIA last March 17, a voter should study his/her candidate, he/she should think who’s gonna be deserving in the community and in the country.
Vaccination is not required in any polling/precinct site, says Montallana, voter must always observe minimum health protocols wearing facemask and faceshield.
Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERTS) is also tasked to get the voters temperature before entering into the voting center. Voters with temperature higher than 37.5 Celsius will be put on isolation polling place, and can continue to vote in the isolation area.
Only election officers can enter the polling place. No cameras are allowed.
Candidates who intend to hold physical campaign activities such as rallies, meeting de avance, caravans, and motorcades should first file an application with the respective Comelec campaign committees and a permit from local government units to hold outdoor activities.
The official campaign period for the May 9 elections will start on March 25 and with COVID-19 still a threat to public safety, several measures will be implemented to lessen physical interaction between candidates and the voters. The candidates and voters must observe minimum health protocols, wearing facemask, sanitizing/washing, and proper distancing. Hand-shaking, kissing, hugging are strictly prohibited during the campaign.

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