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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Election colors matter

In times of elections, colors become the candidates’ form of protest and messaging. It has become a political tradition for candidates and their respective parties to pick a color that would best represent their advocacy.
In recent memory, yellow has been the ruling political color. But the color’s spark is now dim— extinguished because of carriers’ inaction, which brought the color’s promise of reforms unfulfilled. VP Leni, LP’s standard bearer for 2022 presidential election, implicitly rebranded the party’s color from yellow to pink. Who would not abandon the former color’s troubled past? Pink is the new color of redemption, at least according to supporters. Recently, a caravan in support of Leni’s bid was organized in Sogod. It was not well-attended, a proof that the opposition’s charm and melodramatic spiels would not work in the province. Will the color pink be accepted in Southern Leyte? Definitely not.
Truth to tell, the Mercados are the most influential in Southern Leyte. Almost in all local posts, the Mercados have secured their seats. There are many reasons why the Mercados won’t campaign the color yellow (now pink), not least of which is the inclusion of Oging Mercado in Duterte’s cabinet. When it comes to infrastructure, Southern Leyte has since savored Duterte’s Build, Build, Build program.
The administration, including Duterte’s main ally in the Senate, has constantly provided amelioration programs in the province. Not so long ago, in the 2016 national elections, the Mercados had fluctuating patterns of support. This time, they would support Duterte’s bet or his party’s.
Long before the filing of Certificates of Candidacy, Ituloy ang Pagbabago Movement (IPM) was launched in the Maasin City gym; part of the crowd was said to be composed of top officials in the province. The movement carries the Run, Sara, Run call. In ensuring continuity, individuals behind IPM have placed their faith in Sara’s prowess. As of this writing, Digong’s daughter hasn’t bared her decision on substitution—we cannot tell until November 15.
In the 2022 elections, Sara— if she runs for the highest seat— would definitely emerge winner in our province.

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